We are excited to bring a guest post to you today from Jan Britland!
I still remember the first time I was reading to children at a school with Rodger Dodger Dog at my side. The children were mesmerized by Rodger, laughing at his tail that bobbles when he walks and dances. Having been Rodger Dodger Dog myself on more than one occasion, I now know how rock stars feel when on stage preforming. It is incredible. To think I can cause such glee is nothing short of a miracle. The children love Rodger Dodger Dog. They know his favorite color, how I found him at the pound and who his friends are. They have watched his movies. They have played his “Help Rodger Find His Friends Game” on his web site. To them he is a super star. And that makes me one by association. The children are always the best part of being a children’s book author. After reading to a day care center during their summer session, a little boy came up to me and told me, “I think you will do very well with your books, they make me laugh!” I couldn’t believe he had a business opinion on my books.
The children are always surprising me with their insights on Rodger and his friendship with Bunny and Mack the Cat. They of course tell me about their dogs and cats at home and how they get along as well. When I am reading the books, even though I have Rodger Dodger Dog next to me acting out the story, their eyes are riveted to the illustrations, as I turn, they turn, as if physically connected to the book. I am truly blessed that The Adventures of Rodger Dodger Dog is so well received. Last week I received a package with a necklace and a picture of Rodger a little boy in New Jersey made at summer camp. This is months after our appearance at his school and he is still thinking of Rodger Dodger Dog. It makes me very proud. Reading to children at schools, libraries and book stores is absolutely the most rewarding career I have ever had. I highly recommend it to everyone!
Jan Britland is an author and artist. She lives in Punta Gorda, Florida with her husband Bill. They have a bulldog named Madison, a parrot named Lola, three red-eared slider turtles named Sparky, Luigi and hale. And last but not least Goldie a pond fish. All of whom are portrayed in her stories. When she is not writing Children’s books, she teaches oil painting to adults. You can reach Jan through her website, www.rodgerdodgerdog.com
Sounds like a fun book!!!
My kids just love Rodge Dodger Dog.
The mind of a child is a magical place filled with hope, love and compassion. Children lead with there hearts, if it hurts they cry if it funny they laugh. I believe that the simple act of reading to a child is one of the most important jobs we do as parents. The time is reworded with bonding, opening up of the imagination in the mind of a child.