This is another weekly feature here at Simply Living on a Budget. The whole point of this feature is to share some of my favorite finds. Anything is game. Food. Cleaning supplies. Kid stuff. Garden favorites. Recipes. Anything that I really like and want to randomly post about. Everything in Friday Favorites is something that I use and bought on my own.
My husband started buying these when they were on a big sale at Harris Teeter back in the fall. I thought they were silly when he came home with them. Not only did I soon learn they weren’t silly at all but they are now a staple in our freezer … and to keep trusting my husband, I mean I did marry him and all so he must be a keeper!;)
I love the veggie bags but they have pasta, potato, and even rice bags too! There are often coupons out for these for pair your coupons with a sale for an even bigger savings.
Why am I loving these so much? I have been striving to put a veggie with our dinner every night and this makes it so easy to do that. My girls will often eat their veggies first before anything else on their plate so I am glad I am able to do this more and more with something I can just toss in the microwave for a few minutes.
All that being said … check the ingredient list when you buy any frozen products … well any packaged product for that matter. Look for ones with the fewest ingredients … like the green beans that just says green beans!!;)
Do you use Birds Eye Steam Fresh? Do you like them as much as I do? Leave me a comment and let me know!
If you have a suggestion for a Friday Favorite, leave me a comment and let me know.
Yes, I love these Steamfresh veggies. So easy to just pop them in the microwave! We tried the rice once but didn't love it. Guess it'd do in a pinch.