What is the purpose of Wednesday Randoms? Well honestly there isn’t one besides to share something random.Maybe your child did something new, maybe you baked something yesterday, maybe you are behind at work, maybe you got in your work out today or maybe you didn’t. Anything is game. Well anything that is appropriate. If it isn’t appropriate, I will delete it.
Here are mine …
- I have a new working theory … Tuesdays and I don’t get along. I know this is normally said about Mondays but it seems to be Tuesdays that get sick. Two Tuesdays in a row now. I need to stop this.
- I made cake mix cookies with the kids last night. You would have thought it was some incredible the way they ate them up! Recipe and picture to come … so watch for it!
- My planner is saving my life this week. I took time on Monday to not only write out what I had to do this week but for what for the month. It is helping me for sure. Why did I give a planner up years ago anyway?
Leave a comment with your randoms. It is that simple! I hope you enjoy sharing because I look forward to reading what is randomly on your mind today!
thanks for the lovely giveaway hope to get this one for free