asked for three green living tips that my family does to live greener.
This is a great lead into to the Simply Green event that is coming up December 1-31! Check out the details for the Simply Green event.
You don’t need to have solar power and spend tons of money to bring a little green living in your life. These tips are not only budget savers but easy green living tips that you can do without much effort!
So here are a trio of simple green living tips …
The most obvious green tip is to reduce your trash through recycling and composting! I wrote about our great new money saving trash service here that picks up our recycling too! Remember to recycle all of those boxes in your house too (cereal boxes, tissue boxes, packaging boxes) You be amazed at how many boxes you are throwing away and how much room they take up in your trash can! Composting is a great way to get some good dirt free! Free is always a budget saver! We like the garbage bowl concept and have our compost bin near our trash can to make this process very easy.
What else can you reuse? How about your kids clothes, toys, and baby gear?! Do you buy second hand kids stuff? I sure do! I wrote about my obsession and tips for shopping children’s consignment sales here. This is a great budget saver but also helps to reuse items that have LOTS of life left in them!
So is reusing items that still have life limited to your kids? It sure isn’t! Where is another area you can easily buy second hand? Buy second hand furniture. I wrote about my tip of buying second hand furniture purchases here. You can get a great dresser that was built from real wood for the price of that cheap-o one at the box store if you keep your eyes open and know what you want and need!
See recycling isn’t just about those cardboard boxes! It can apply to all of areas of your life. What do you recycle or reuse? Leave me a comment and let me know!
Remember the Simply Green event is coming December 1-31. Get details, grab the event button, and sign up for extra giveaway entries here. I will be introducing you to a lot of great companies and green products during the month of December! Can you feel my excitement? I hope you can because I am really excited about this event!!

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