Did you take a minute today to stop and remember why we celebrate Memorial Day?
It isn’t BBQ’s or those pretty cookies the kids and I made. It is the sacrifice that many men and women have made to give us this land of the free and the brave.
When we made this cookies, we talked about the colors of our flag. The conversation went …
Me: What is red, white, and blue, Sophie?
Sophie: ::confused look with a long silence:: … the FLAG!
She is four. That is all that I can really expect her to understand and I am thrilled she knows the colors of our flag. We did talk about everyone who makes us safe and how they let us have our home and do everything that we do. We talked about how daddy was a soldier before she was born. We talk. We remember. We let the kids start to understand that there is a history because without understanding that there is a history, they will not appreciate it.
So for now, the flag is red, white, and blue and we remember people who died to keep us safe on Memorial Day … I know in the future it will have more meaning but we have to start some where.
I hope you took a minute to stop and remember today. To say a prayer not for the those that have passed on but for those they left behind that carry the heavy burden of remembering and glorifying them in their lives. If you fall into this category, thank you for the sacrifice your family made to keep us safe.
Those cookies look great. What a fun way to share and remember
it drives me nuts when people call Memorial Day a holiday, it isn’t, it’s a day of observance, of remembrance. Thanks for pointing that out!
That is such a fantastic way to introduce her to patriotism and respect for our military. Cookies are a fun way to bridge soooo many topics LOL
Happy Memorial Day!
I think it is so important to start teaching them at a young age and cookies never hurt! 🙂
It’s never to early to start teaching. The cookies are a perfect way to start the conversation.
I love it. There are always teaching moment around us. It is important to be educated. I want a cookie!